P2E Reward

Play to earn is a revolutionary concept in the gaming world. There are multiple ways for players to earn. People who play Space War are rewarded for their time spent in-game and interacting with the NFTs:

  • The players levelling up the most are tracked on leaderboards, and top players will qualify for the $OVIA rewards pool. These rewards are given once every month.

  • The player receives two types of rewards when they successfully reach a new high score, $GOLD and XP. The $GOLD reward is dependent on the number of the enemy defeated.

    The formula is (Distance) + (enemy defeated) = $GOLD reward. Experience earned is assigned to the Tank that played the stage.

The awards will be saved in the player's account for future in-game usage. Each player can participate in the PVE as long as the tank has enough durability.

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